A meeting place for the whole industrial ecosystem
As a cornerstone in reindustrialization, Global Industrie symbolizes the commitment and pride of industry players. A Showcase for Regions, know-how and the essential presence of industry in our daily lives, it is above all a place to meet and do business for those shaping today’s and tomorrow’s industry, and a means of promoting their fighting spirit.

An anchor in socio-economic reality
Comprising 14 zones, Global Industrie is the only event in France that brings together the whole industrial sector, serving as a meeting place for its whole ecosystem, its value chain and its user markets and embodying the success of French industry: YOUR success!
This is an opportunity to make things meaningful and to serve you, the people who make, manufacture, produce, build and design: manufacturers and all professions and skills.
The big event for concrete solutions. Our missions: meeting your needs

Global Industrie, putting people first
French industry is at a crucial crossroads in its history. While technology is advancing rapidly, we strongly affirm that the human factor must remain at the heart of our industrial vision.
This is not a step backward but a leap forward towards a more innovative, more responsible industry deeply rooted in the values that have always defined our vision.
The men and women of French industry will devise solutions to tomorrow's challenges.
The quest for meaning
We believe that industry must be a source of meaning. New generations aspire to contribute to a better world, and our industry must answer this call. By focusing on sustainability, social responsibility, and corporate citizenship, we create an industry that inspires and motivates.
In an ever-changing world, we are committed to valuing all talents, perspectives, and experiences. The richness of our differences is where we will find the innovative ideas that will propel our industry forward.

A call to action
We call on all players in French industry - entrepreneurs, workers, political decision-makers and citizens - to rally behind this vision of a people-centered industry. Together, let's build a more responsible, more innovative, more virtuous industry centered on people. The future of French industry is human. It's time to shape it, hand in hand, with courage, creativity and passion.