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- Réindustrialiser : le défi d’une génération, l’ouvrage d’Olivier Lluansi (copy)
Réindustrialiser : le défi d’une génération, l’ouvrage d’Olivier Lluansi (copy)
Well-known on the Global Industrie Main Stage, Olivier Lluansi has just published Réindustrialiser, le défi d'une génération, again this month, published by Déviations.
Olivier Lluansi began his career at the European Commission, before working for the Nord-Pas-de-Calais Regional Council. He then joined Saint-Gobain, where he oversaw activities in Central and Eastern Europe. He also served as industry and energy advisor to the French President, before setting up the Territoires d'industrie initiative launched by the Prime Minister in 2018. He teaches at the École des Mines de Paris and participates in several think tanks. In May 2023, he authored Les néo-industriels. L'avènement de notre renaissance industrielle (published by Les Déviations), and in September 2024 he published Réindustrialiser, le défi d'une génération, also published by Déviations.
An overview
If France's deindustrialization has been halted since 2010, why are we still not seeing the tangible results of our reindustrialization, either in economic figures or in our day-to-day reality? In this book, the author sets out an ambitious but lucid objective for our industry by 2035, and the solutions needed to achieve it. For, to succeed, our industrial policies must first “change grammar”. And because this will be a long road, the challenge of a generation, let's never forget the purpose that drives us, for we don't reindustrialize to reindustrialize. We reindustrialize to rebuild our social and territorial cohesion in a multi-fractured country, to regain productive sovereignty, to reduce our environmental footprint. In short, to live better in France, for everyone and in every region...