The primary industry event returns to Eurexpo Lyon
After a landmark first edition in 2024, La Grande Scène has established itself as the forum of excellence for French industry. From March 11 to 14, 2025, this unique forum will again bring together the industrial elite, political decision-makers, and industry experts.
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The place of people in industry: central theme 2025
This year, La Grande Scène focuses on a fundamental issue: rethinking the relationship between people and technology in industry. Our vision? To put technological innovation at the service of human skills, to unleash the creative potential of our employees.

Tuesday, March 11th
Morning - Don't give up!
Leaders of major groups, SMEs, ETIs, SUIs, representatives of local authorities and industrial groups, researchers, and public and private investors: to amplify the strong signals, highlight the weak signals, and, above all, highlight the excellence of our industry. Common convictions shared pride, and the need for a committed collective: together, to affirm that French industry, through its strength, alignment, and determination, holds the keys to meeting today's challenges and facing tomorrow.
#Proud #Committed #Collective #Leadership #Excellence #Innovation #Research
Afternoon - The world or nothing: asserting our place in the international game
In an interconnected and competitive global game, and faced with the rise of protectionism, Donald Trump's “America First” or the “Made in China 2025” plan, for example, Europe must more than ever join forces and federate its players to assert its place on the world stage. We must create resilient industrial clusters and set up joint programs and fruitful European and international collaborations to innovate, hunt in packs, and stay in the game.
France has a strong position here, with excellence as its watchword. Major groups lead by example and bring their sectors on board, while SMEs and ETIs are taking the lead in niche markets and becoming essential players. Innovation is in high demand, attracting young nuggets: winning strategies, pitfalls to avoid, trends to consider, and the paths to international success.
#International #Competition #Protectionism #Collaboration #Innovation #Excellence #Growth
End of day > GI AWARDS ON THE GRANDE SCÈNE, a celebration of industrial innovation.
Wednesday, March 12
Morning - Our industry in orbit: synchronizing the stages of the French rocket
Set out the key facts and figures to establish a clear picture, overhaul existing models, overcome the lack of cohesion between players, create a powerful anchor, a shared vision and narrative, align financing needs and resources, and simplify standards and regulations to unleash creative energy, meet specific training needs. All these steps are essential to align all players and create a solid roadmap. There is no single blueprint, no one industry but many, all creating and sharing best practices, understanding the same issues, and using their everyday experience to optimize the French industrial rocket to its full potential.
#Vision #Alignment #Coordination #Territories #Financing #Training #Support
Afternoon - The Tetris of French industry
Industrial collaboration and the complementarity of a solid network are essential to meeting tomorrow's challenges. From the disruptive industrial startup to the gigafactory locomotive, via the SMEs / ETIs that are the lungs of the French industrial fabric, each is a piece of Tetris and contributes to a collective force where we feed off each other by innovating. How can we create a genuine French “hunting pack” and conquer new markets in the future?
Keeping this strong network and our industries within the national fold is key, particularly during a cycle change. Explore models for keeping our flagships, such as family transfers, internal handovers, takeovers, turnarounds, and collective models like SCOP.
#Industrial collaborations #Complementarity #Network #Collective strength #Hunting in a pack #Flowers #Transmissions #Takeovers
Thursday, March 13
Morning - Energy, transitions, sustainability: What are the costs, and where are the gains?
The recent energy crisis has highlighted that our industries are vulnerable to price fluctuations: taking this factor into account is a strategic point of competitiveness, and ensuring a stable, decarbonized energy supply at the lowest possible cost is, therefore, a significant challenge. We need to consolidate our strengths, with the new nuclear power plant in particular, and support innovation to develop the energy sectors of tomorrow.
Despite their potential to generate profits, manufacturers often consider essential energy and ecological transitions complex and costly. Shock simplification of standards and regulations, specific support, adapted financing, successful modeling, and step-by-step strategies -all steps that lead to long-term productivity gains
#Energy self-sufficiency #Innovation #Energy transition #Decarbonization #Sustainable production #Simplification #Dispositions #Financing
Afternoon - Industry and innovation, a winning combo
This half-day session focuses on the reality of an innovative, creative, and progressive industry driven by human intelligence. With these profound transformations and the acceleration produced by new technologies and the digital transition, the games industry is reinventing itself.
New skills, new professions, from the impossible to the possible. Humans are becoming emancipated, freeing time for creativity, exploring new horizons, and advancing research and innovation.
How is the industry seizing on this and exploiting human and artificial intelligence to impose new models that meet the challenges of tomorrow? Deeptech, public/private laboratories, artificial intelligence, smart factories, industrial 5G, cybersecurity, tomorrow's industry 5.0, state of the art of profound changes in industry.
#Innovation #Human intelligence #IA #Deeptech #Transformations and Accelerations #Creativity #Research
Friday, March 14th
Morning - A little something extra
To be 20 and grow up in the industry, to be 30 and find your voice, to be 40 or 50 and find your place, to experience several careers in one through different positions and sectors. This shows how industry today is a factor in the emancipation of individuals within their groups. More than anywhere else, it is a guarantor of a collective sense reflecting its history's genesis: producing for all and for the best.
Young and not-so-young alike share their industry experiences, showing it for what it is: open, inventive, collective, a creator of social mixing and emancipation, a sector with a thousand faces that always offers opportunities for discoveries and career changes.
Faced with an audience of young people from secondary schools, general and vocational high schools, students from various disciplines, and profiles undergoing retraining, the Grande Scène becomes the forum for youth and training. And the industry desperately needs them!
In interactive and participative discussions, the forum will be open for exchanges that will enrich both the young people and the industrialists present. We look forward to seeing many of you there to talk to the next generation!
#Youth #Training #Inclusion #Feminization #Emancipation #Sense #Collective
Afternoon - Golden Tech awards ceremony
We look forward to seeing you there to celebrate excellence in know-how from March 11 to 14!